Porn to Rock Webmaster Registration

Get this FLASH 4 movie , for your site for FREE, with songs by top porno actors

Please fill out the form to register and let us know what your special interests are. You will receive an
instant user id and password in your email with download instructions.
If you already have a user id and password then go to the Registered Webmasters entrance.
If you have any questions send us an email

NEW Pantyhose FREE content when you register

Just unzip the zip file that you will download.

Put the contents in a directory on your server and link to the
index.html file.

You can customize the main page by changing the text.txt file.
Just change the text you see in there to your site name or url, and upload
the text.txt file.  You will see the change when you reload the index.html file.
Check the spacing to see if it looks the way you want.

By using this material you agree to the following:

You are using this by permission of MC Studios Inc and its associates.
MC Studios Inc has the rights to offer you this content.

You may use it after any warning pages that you have on your site, and you
are solely responsible for your presentaion of this content.

You may present it as it is or use it in a frame, but the frame must not be less than
a quarter of a page in size.

You indemnify MC Studios Inc and its associates, and hold them harmless for any damages or
consequences of presenting this material on your website.   You are solely responsible for
the presentation of this material.

You must accurately provide all of the information requested on the form.

You agree to remove this material completely from your website on 15 days notice by email.

Your Name:
Your Email Address:
URL of your site:
Comments or special requests:
I agree to the terms and conditions:

Please be patient after clicking to submit your registration.


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Adult Webmaster Resources Database
Quality links for the adult webmaster!

Master Zone The Definitive Adult Webmaster Resource

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